

Mass Times:

The Lord’s Day:

Saturday 5pm ….. St Bernard’s Church

Sunday 9am ….. St Bernard’s Church

Sunday 11am ….. Our Lady of the Assumption Church


Tuesday, Wednesday 7pm ….. St Bernard’s Church

Thursday 7pm ….. Our Lady of the Assumption Church

Friday 9am ….. Our Lady of the Assumption Church

Saturday 9am ….. St Bernard’s Church


Eucharistic Adoration:

Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30 pm — Holy Hour following the Mass at St. Bernard’s Church
First Fridays of the Month, 9:30-10:45 am — following the 9am Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church



Please contact the Parish Office for more details, and to schedule an appointment with our pastor. Please anticipate the need to complete preparation in advance of the baptism, particularly if the child to be baptized is your first.
You can find an online registration form for baptism HERE . Please fill it out (digitally if possible) and email it to our parish office as part of your request.

Expecting baby soon?

Let’s meet for preparation before the birth, so we can be ready for an early baptism!

Baptism for school-aged children, age 7 & up:

With your support, your child will need to complete a distinct preparation process that will prepare them to receive all three sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Please call the parish for more details.


Most commonly, children in Grade Two (aged 7-8) receive these sacraments. The Diocese of Calgary now prepares
children for both these sacraments in a single year, so that reconciliation with God can prepare the heart to receive
Holy Communion for the first time.
Registration and preparation typically begins in October each year. Please contact the Parish Office to enquire.


Welcome to Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Bernard’s Parish!

Click here to register: 2022 – Confirmation Registration Form with Letter



To schedule a wedding, please contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance prior to the desired wedding
date, to book an introductory meeting with the pastor and begin the necessary preparations. Congratulations, and we
look forward to hearing from you.


Please notify the parish if a parishioner is hospitalized or sick at home. We will arrange for a pastoral visit when
possible, and include their name in the community’s prayers on Sundays.

In case of an emergency:

If you have a loved one IN THE HOSPITAL, and an emergency arises, please call the Diocesan-wide Hospital
Emergency Paging: 


This will contact one of the hospital chaplains dedicated to pastoral care
at the hospitals.

If at home, or at one of our local Seniors’ Residences in the parish – call:
